Monday, April 30, 2012

Fibro Friday (3 days late)

Ok, ok, so I know I am two days late with this, but my post actually has to do with the reason for my delay. It's so hard to put into words the kind of pain I experience everyday, and the whole journey I have made to get to this point but I will try.

I was diagnosed with "Fibromyalgia" about a year ago.  Like I said in my welcome post, I am still on the fence about the whole diagnosis. I KNOW I have pain 24/7, I know it can be really hard to manage at times and I know that it will probably never go away.  I have had so many CT scans, MRI's, X-rays and blood work that I don't know if there isn't a part of my body that hasn't been invaded in some way. The scale tipping moment that told me this isn't just about getting older, was about two years ago when I had a migraine so severe that I ended up in the ER.  While there, I received a "migraine cocktail" that contained three different drugs to kick the migraines behind. And it did, but it left me with numbness and then a fiery pain so severe,  in my hip/buttock area, that I couldn't even walk. At the time the doctor thought I had some nerve damage from the shot, ergo the first in a series of scans. Nothing turned up. Nothing at all. And so began the long and tedious journey of trying to figure out what exactly was causing my pain.

The pain has never gone away and it progressed so much that I had trouble getting out of bed most mornings. Eventually the pain spread to my upper back. I literally woke up one morning and couldn't turn my head. That pain too never went away.  My trapezoid and rhomboid muscles are so tense all the time that I have lost all curvature in my neck, a condition called Cervical Kyphosis.

I usually sleep with heat patches on my shoulder and hip and it takes me about an hour in the morning to fully wake and be able to do the simplest of tasks. 

I finally started seeing a Pain Management Specialist.  He is WONDERFUL.  I finally feel like I am going to make some progress and I don't feel like he is just brushing me off. I spent two hours talking with him during my initial appointment and he never once hurried me along (not that I felt like anyway!).  He immediately scheduled some tests and procedures and prescribed some medication without making me feel like a drug addict.  

As of today, I have had 3 injections in my back. One in the Piriformis muscle, one in the Sacroiliac joint and one in the Rhomboid Trigger Point. So far so good as far as the Piriformis and Sacroiliac shots are concerned. Not so much with the Rhomboid Trigger Point injection. And that, my friends, stinks. The Rhomboid issue causes my arm and hand to ache and go numb, causes terrible headaches and jaw pain and generally just hurts like Hades.

Soooooo, my delay in getting my first Fibro post done was due to a really bad week-end and weekend. (Does that make sense?) I was so mad at myself for not having the energy to type this, but, I have learned through all of this, to give myself a break every once in awhile.  Anyone here with Fibro will understand what I mean.  

Here is to a better week ahead to me, and a wonderful week to you!

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